Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Cooper City

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Full-Contact Vision

Whether you’re thinking about wearing contact lenses or you’re a seasoned wearer, Eye Q Optical will make sure your eyes are happy to be wearing them.

Our eye care professionals are your full-service eye care provider, working with you to find the perfect pair of contact lenses for your eyes from start to finish.

Your contact lens journey starts with a contact lens exam. Book your contact lens exam today in Cooper City to have your eye health assessed and find out if contacts are your path towards the clearest vision.

Small Lens, Big Impact

Eyeglasses aren’t always the most convenient. Sure, they look cute and embellish your style, but sometimes they aren’t practical.

That’s where contact lenses come in. They’re small, easy to handle, and should keep your eyes comfortable all day long.

Our contact lens exam will measure the thickness of your cornea (the front part of your eye) to make sure it’s safe for you to wear contact lenses and determine which type of lenses will best suit you. We will also provide you with your unique contact lens prescription, which is different from your glasses prescription.

Matchmaker Services

Eye Q is kind of like your matchmaker when it comes to finding suitable contact lenses for your eyes. We will make sure your eyes and contact lenses are compatible with each other, so they enjoy a happy long-term relationship.

We know that no 2 eyes are the same (except for maybe the 2 on your face, but not always!). Learn more about the different types of contact lenses in the drop-down menus here.

Soft Lenses

These may be the most popular types of contact lenses. Soft contact lenses come in a wide variety of prescriptions and are soft and breathable on your eye, typically made out of silicone hydrogel. We offer many different brands of soft contact lenses.

Made from slightly rigid plastic, rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses provide clear vision and correct most vision problems. Eye Q is your HQ for Boston RGP lenses, which can also be used to treat early keratoconus and accommodate for irregular cornea shapes.

In between soft and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses are hybrid contact lenses. These lenses come close to providing the visual clarity of RGP lenses, with added comfort similar to a soft contact lens. The center of a hybrid lens is RGP, and the outer edge is made from soft contact lens material. We carry SynergEyes, individually-made contact lenses.

Take the First Step

Our eye care professionals guide you from exam to fit for contact lenses. Book your contact lens exam in Cooper City today!

Our Brands

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Dailies Total 1

Discover a new era in contact lens comfort. Designed with a surface of over 80%* water content, nearly the same as the surface of your eye, Dailies Total 1 leave a feeling of exceptional comfort until the end of your day.

Our Location

We are located in the heart of Cooper City, just off Stirling Road between Nob Hill and Pine Island Roads in the new Cooper Square Plaza.

Our Address

  • Suite 105, 9620 Stirling Road
  • Cooper City, FL 33024

Contact Information

Office Hours

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 3:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed
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